Sunday, December 2, 2012


I'm sorry to say, that although I have loved writing in Zelda's blog, it's time to say goodbye. As you may have noticed, I haven't posted in a long time, which is because of various reasons that I won't go into at the moment. I don't play animal jam anymore, thus I can't post about it.
In addition, I will not be finishing the Darkness Before The Dawn Story. I want to say thank you to everyone's kind comments. If your dying to know how the story ends, here is a brief summary.
Eventually, after being a medicine wolf in  Nightclan for sometime, I meet a wolf named Speedyclaw. I meet his sister, Faststar, who owns a clan called Ironclan. I join that clan and become a warrior with a new name: Whiterose. Soon after I discover that Silverkit (aka Silvie) is still alive, now called Silvermoon. It turns out that she had been possessed by a phantom. The phantom, (thorugh silvermoon of course) tells me it was her that in fact killed my mother. Silvermoon cast a spell on me, cursing me to be blind in 12 moons. In a turn of events Silvermoon (rather the phantom controlling silvermoon) takes me "hostage." In an attempt to save me, Graystripe attacks her. At the same moment Graystripe pounced however, Silvermoon sliced my throat. As a result, both Silvermoon and I perished. Pleading with Starclan, Graystripe brought me back to life.
      Afterwards, I continued to be a warrior in Ironclan. We went through many struggles wich I can't go into much detail at the moment. Speedyclaws and I married that spring. We never had children. 12 moons after the Silvie ordeal, I became blind like the curse said. Devastated, I didn't eat or speak for days. I had to become an Elder early on because I could not see. Later on, i got my sight back, but it is too long to explain in this summary. After Faststar left animal jam, I became whitestar and made a clan called Dawnclan. Many former Ironclanners came to my clan. But suddenly, Faststar changed her mind and started playing animal jam again. Thinking I "stole" her clan from her, Faststar was enraged. And thus began the war between Dawnclan and Ironclan.
To this day there are youtube videos of Ironclan attacking us XD

1 comment:

Hi thanks for taking the time to comment! :D
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